Tuesday, 26 October 2010

:59 seconds - Happiness

Day 1: "Think back over the past week and list three things in your life for which to be grateful"

1: Having a wonderful group of people who I train with. Yesterday's EMAA session was terrific, and I hope Oz is taking notes on who needs what drills - because I know I need some, but I am not entirely sure what! The Bujinkan session was also good - I was feeling really quite off kilter, but from all accounts the two participants enjoyed themselves and got something out of it.

2: Having someone close who I can talk to about things that annoy me. Had a few issues at work, and was grateful to be able to offload some of that to someone who could listen without judging. I hope I am as good a listener for them as they are for me.

3: While I am not grateful to my boss for initially making a big deal out of my mistakes, I do appreciate that he wanted to find a way around it happening again. If only I knew what would help...

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